Liza Zulkarnaen's Portfolio

Alexa Plans & Pricing page

Landing Page

Alexa Plans and Pricing Page

Project Summary

For this project, I was tasked to redesign Alexa's offering in their Plans & Pricing page. Depending on which plan level you are, you will have access to a different set of tools. There were a lot of details in each plan that we needed to convey to the visitors.

For a pricing page, no matter what kind of company you are, in general, there are a couple of questions that a visitor might have when they landed on your page. How much do you cost? Are you within my price range? What do you offer? Is this the right service for me? Do you have the tools or features that I'm looking for? Can I trust your business? Do you have proof? Those are the questions that a visitor might have. On top of that, they would probably only spend a couple of seconds skimming the page, then they either bounced out or stayed and converted. With these things in mind, I think it is really important to make sure that the visitor can find the answer to their questions as soon as they landed on the page.

This has made the area above the fold more important. I used the general to specific approach. The idea is to put the most important information above the fold and secondary information below the fold. Things such as prices, type of plans, who is it for, and the general summary of each plan are put above the fold. Once visitor digests this general information on the top, they will naturally self-determined whether this is the right service or not for them. Which means, potential target customers will stay and hopefully convert and the rest will bounce out. When they need to know more specific details about each plan, the information below the fold is only a click away.

Beside the page structure, the body copy was also important. We needed to make sure that they were clear, focus and something that our target customers would resonate with. Social proof is also important in selling a product. Therefore, real quotes and company logos from existing Alexa's users were incorporated into the page. Last but not least, FAQ section to end the page for visitors who have further questions about any of the plan's offering or Alexa in general.


Adobe Photoshop

I currently reside in San Francisco

Hi! I'm Liza!
I currently reside in the city home of the Golden Gate Bridge and Karl the fog. With my background in Visual and User Experience design, I strive to design user-friendly interfaces with a touch of the user’s brand personality.

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