Liza Zulkarnaen's Portfolio
25-Point SEO Checklist
Liza Zulkarnaen's Portfolio
An infographic piece to accompany a blog article that talked about the 25-point SEO checklist that site owners need to know when they are trying to attract organic
traffic to their site. Within the article itself, we listed all of the 25 points along with their descriptions. However, we realized in reality for this information to be useful
in people's workflow, they need to access or use this information in a different way.
With the infographic version of the list, we want people to be able to use it as a real checklist where they can print, display or even share with the people in their
workplace. Moreover, just like most infographics, we added data or facts to support the idea that we are trying to convey in both the article and the
Along with the infographic piece, I've also created the blog header image to go with the blog article. The header design was used on the Alexa blog and on the article's facebook post.
Read the complete article here.
Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Photoshop